Private lessons and coaching
Below you'll find a list of courses and group activities offered at the facility, as well as our private and semi-private coaching offers.
''Train à Bloc''
Want to improve your overall fitness? Integrate a regular fitness routine with a motivated group?
Train à Bloc is for you!
Mondays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
The price:
First class is free!
Unlimited access for all EFT Plus and EFT Premium members
Members: $12/session or $48 for a monthly pass (also includes access to all yoga classes)
Non-members: $26/session (includes climbing access for the day)
Group fitness training sessions
2 beginner sessions of 30 minutes per week with a coach
2 advanced 45-minute sessions per week with a coach
No registration required
Yoga classes
Discover our yoga class designed to improve flexibility!
Through flowing postures and deep stretching, you'll strengthen your mobility and release muscular tension. Whether you're a beginner or more experienced, this class will bring you overall well-being.
Come and relax while improving your flexibility!
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The price:
First class is free!
Unlimited access for all EFT Plus and EFT Premium members
Members: $18/session or $48 for a monthly pass (also includes access to all ''Train à Bloc'' fitness sessions).
Non-members: $26/session (includes climbing access for the day)
Improve your flexibility with a group class
Guided by an experienced teacher
No registration required
Bring your yoga mat
Private Coaching
Would you like to learn basic techniques, improve a weakness or increase your climbing skills?
We can help!
2 hours per session with a coach
A personalized training guide
Free 30 mins. with a coach to answer your questions
Follow-up with your coach after 2-4 weeks
Free access to 2 ''train à bloc'' workouts
Maximum 3 participants
For maximum results, we recommend a minimum of 3 sessions.
Use your extra 30min between sessions.
Book your sessions within a short timeframe (1 month max)
The price:
$140 for one session
$120/session for three 2-hour sessions
$60/session for each additional participant
If you can't find a time slot that suits you, don't hesitate to contact us at with your request.